There is a new training method that turns the country. Well, it's a novelty in the United States for the most part, but the Russian kettlebell is an ancient sport. The kettlebell or Giry, born in Russia, and since early 1700 are plotted. There is a cast iron weight, as a bit 'like a cannonball with a handle has been described. Popular with the leaders of the United States in the first half of the 20 th century, kettlebells returned to this country under the guidanceOffers and Valery Fedorenko Pavel Tsatsouline. The world champions have led others to do the same with their own brands of kettlebells and kettlebell exercise programs.
Common sizes of kettlebells will be about 18 pounds, 26, 35, 53, 70 and 88, with 88s of "mutants", Pavel jokes. Men and women and people of all ages train with them today. According to Pavel site contain the benefits of "build your strength, because the last round decides all" and "hacksYour fat without the dishonor of dieting or aerobics. "Pavel also said that a kettlebell is an all-in-one gym." It makes you as strong as you want, anytime, anywhere. "
A coach I talked to Ohio many times, stumbled by chance on the kettlebell a few years ago, and now says he can not stand. Durniat Andrew, 30, has become not only a champion kettlebell lifter, but uses them in his activities as a personal trainer. "I had to have played in top formCollege lacrosse and was coaching and development, "said Durniat". I learned (kettlebell) on the Internet and then run for the first time in a national strength and conditioning show in St. Paul, Minn., in 2005.
"I could bench over 350 pounds and squats 400, but within five or 10 minutes with the kettlebells, I thought, 'Oh shoot, these are legitimate." I started training with a couple of young experts in the sport and are hooked ever since. It 'just took myStrength and endurance to a whole new level. "
In a short time, as a kettlebell lifter Durniat advanced to the point where he won instead of one arm snatch competition at the North American Kettlebell Federation championships in Salt Lake City in 2007. Durniat not only set the first position, but it was the first American to be the 10 minutes of strength and endurance competition. He lifted the 70 kg kettlebell 60 times with his right arm with his left hand and 64 for a total of 124Repetitions.
"Once you pick up the kettlebell, you can not have you sit," said Durniat, a 6-foot-4, 217 pounds, which is a former Div. III college lacrosse
All-American. "They have so many repetitions as possible in 10 minutes.
"The only way you can be is to keep them in front of the chest in the position 'Rack', but keep 140 pounds against the chest and see how difficult it is. It 'hard, it hurts," said Durniat. "It is not easy by any means."
There are countless exercisescan do with kettlebells and trainers, they replace one of the results of dumbbells, barbells, medicine balls, cardio equipment, etc. could get, because kettlebell lifts involve the whole body saying.
"I raise a whole body of the athletes to do now than to receive isolated movements," said Durniat.
Kettlebell can be used for development as a primary source, or a slight degree with the other main options, as mentioned kettlebell lifting dumbbells or mixed machines.Durniatrequire "the perfect blend of strength and endurance.
"You do not see 300-pound kettlebell lifting. I'm in the heavyweight class at 217."
But Durniat kettlebell athletes and others that may be made up of people from all walks of life, to benefit young old, male and female. Just be ready to go to a lot of hard work and have the desire to add more.
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